Policies & Related Documents

Academic integrity policy :

The purpose for this policy is to learn about and understand the nature of intellectual honesty so that we can assist students in developing personal responsibility for learning. We promote a commitment in our students to take responsibility for their own actions so they become knowledgeable and open-minded inquirers who are able to communicate and act in a principled manner as demonstrated through integrity and honesty.

Academic Integrity Policy Document PDF

Admissions policy :

This policy is meant for internal use by the school administration and the faculty. It aims to outline the processes and guide the procedures of the admissions office in its processing of applications.

Admissions Policy Document PDF

Assessment policy :

This policy defines and outlines the strategies, tools and process of assessment in the teaching and learning. The main objective of assessment is to provide feedback on the learning process to inform planning, reflect on the effectiveness of teaching, and guide learners.

Assessment Policy Document PDF

Inclusion policy :

This policy guides the teaching and learning practices associated with Learning Support and English as a Second Language students. It describes the basic processes and modes of services for supporting the learning of students in the context of an inclusive learning environment.

Inclusion Policy Document PDF

Language policy :

This policy is intended to provide an overview and guiding principles for language learning at Summerhill which permeates the entire school curriculum through authentic contexts in a culturally rich and diverse environment.

Language Policy Document PDF